art by @Mpek36
The Denver Graffiti Tour was originally founded in 2018 by Erin Spradlin and James Carlson after going on a street art tour in Bogota, Colombia. Always enamored by street art and murals, and in love with the city of Denver, they decided to bring the same idea here.
Denver Graffiti Tour was the first street art tour in Denver, and every year since we have worked hard to prove ourselves as the best and most thorough, in-depth tour.
In 2020, Erin and James hired Jana Novak as one of their latest guides. After the unscheduled break of 18 months thanks to the world coming to a halt from the devastating Covid-19 pandemic, Jana returned as the only tour guide when the business reopened in May 2021, and a couple of months later was joined by Nick Fletcher.
In February 2022, Erin and James officially passed the torch on to Jana and Nick, who are thrilled to be the new owners. Both Jana and Nick live in the neighborhoods, and are committed to not only offering a great class on street art and the history and politics of the area, but also to being an integral part of the community.

Jana Novak
Jana lives in Cole with her two low-rider dogs. She is a freelance writer and co-author of two books. She's worked with politicians as well as pampered pets, found the jobs similar, and much preferred the latter. She's talked religion and politics on TV and radio, spouted history in a mountain museum, and ghosted for others. When she's not leading street art tours, she's doing media for her dogs, dabbling in art, and writing for herself. Throughout it all, she's been constantly learning about people, places, and most of all, herself.

art by @Mpek36
Nick, tour guide Will, and Jana

Nick Fletcher
Nick Fletcher lives in Whittier with his wife, two daughters and two cats. Born and raised in Colorado, he has been teaching Spanish at the high school level in Jefferson County for over a decade. His language and cultural studies have taken him all over Latin America, and he still takes kids abroad on a yearly basis. This love for adventure and cultural exploration keeps him in the ever-evolving Denver area. Here, he loves venturing around the city discovering art, and indulging in the marvels of human expression.